Our ValuesMake a commitment. When our PNC members invest in their annual membership, they are agreeing to invest their time and energy toward helping each other build a valuable network. TrustTrust is the foundation of successful networking. Close relationships are necessary for members to give access to their top customers or refer a team member to others. We are committed to learning about each other and our respective businesses. Our members know that information is valuable and only share with the understanding it is in confidence and the information is guarded and protected by each member. ReciprocityWe value reciprocity. Successful members focus on helping other members. They understand that as you give, you will receive. We pledge to work diligently to give our fellow members leads and referrals as often as possible. ProfessionalismEach member commits to follow up promptly with every specific lead and referral they receive. Since your behavior is a reflection on the member who referred you, it's imperative that you conduct business in a professional manner. Regular AttendanceAttendance is critical to success. Members commit to attending 75% of all meetings. Each Team meets twice per month. Based on 24 possible meetings per year, you are expected to miss no more than 6 meetings per year. OutreachRecruit new members. Our members help their teams grow by inviting people that add value to the team and are willing to commit to these guidelines. We take pride in our team and the organization. Members agree to act with integrity and professionalism. |